Last week I decided to unpublish my book, ‘Re-Imagining The World.’ (a book of writing exercises to inspire people to visualise the new earth). This may seem like a strange and surprising thing to do, and the short answer is that the book no longer reflects my belief system, so I don’t feel it is right to have it out there in the world. I might at some time edit, and change it but I may also just simply let it go.
The long answer about why I did this is below.
Shortly after I became certain of what was behind the COVID situation and the motives of those orchestrating it, I wrote a facebook post asking if anyone knew of any spiritual teachers who could offer some hope. Following this post, I became aware of the idea of ‘the great awakening,’ the idea that while everything in the physical realm is starting to fall apart, humanity is actually rising in consciousness, and becoming more awake, and aware, shifting towards enlightenment. Alongside this is the belief that we are shifting towards a ‘new earth,’ a place of love, peace, and magical powers. What could be better than that?!
My Re-imagining the World book was inspired by this, and had the aim to draw our focus away from COVID negativity towards thinking more positively about how we want to make shifts in our lives, bring in more joy, let go of the fear, and live more happy, embodied, lives, so that we could play our part in the collective consciousness rising towards a higher vibrational world.
And then something happened. I started to have my doubts. Within the spiritual communities who were aware that COVID was a plandemic many of the chanellers were getting info that Trump was a ‘lightworker,’ that he was going to become president again. There were those who shared information about things that never occurred, constantly shifting their stories, but never faltering from the idea that there were good people in high places, who were helping take down the ‘bad guys.’
A friend on facebook, had been posting about the ‘false light deception’ and that the whole idea of The Great Awakening, was actually a complete lie, which has it roots in an esoteric organisation which is deeply intertwined with the United Nations and plans to create a one-world religion. It was too much to take in at first, because I was impressed of the accuracy of the psychics I was following, (at least when they weren’t referring to Trump ;) ) so I kept hold of my spiritual beliefs about the awakening.
While I was contemplating all this, I bought a Bible. I’d been hearing about the ‘mark of the beast’ and was amazed by this book, that had actually predicted that one day we wouldn’t be able to ‘buy or sell without the mark of the beast.’ I started to pray, and whereas when I’d broken the rules in lockdown I always imagined a white bubble of light protecting me, I started to say the Lord’s Prayer, when I crossed a country border without a COVID test. Something in my belief system was shifting.
Another shift was questioning the Law of Attraction – it was something that I mentioned in the beginning of my book, the idea that if we did these writing exercises we could focus on the positive, and it could be literally how we helped to co-create the new world. However, I started doubting the law of attraction, not that it doesn’t work necessarily, but that it often feels awkward and unnatural, to imagine something you don’t have, or to brush away the darker, more negative thoughts, without acknowledging them.
There is a darker side to the law of attraction, which go beyond the scope of this post, but I will leave some links at the bottom for those who want to know more.
Right now in my life, I do zero visualising, or imagining, unless it happens naturally, and spontaneously in my thoughts, rather than me having to focus on it, like some kind of magic trick.
I feel I must apologise for putting this book out into the world, which may seem strange to those who felt they got some joy from it. But I know some of you will understand.
Many of us have experienced jumping from one thing to the other, looking for something that will bring us peace. The endless searching. Perhaps we find something, like a book or a teaching that brings us peace for a while, but we need to keep looking. I see that much of this information, is like a maze, we have to keep looking, we have to keep practising. We have to visualise. To imagine. To stay positive, and be high vibe. I do not want to contribute to this maze of endless searching.
Rather than it be about us and our personal power, in a impersonal universe, I have found greater joy and peace, by acknowledging and getting to know God. The first time I prayed I felt God’s presence and it was completely different to any spiritual experience I’d had in the past. I now believe that if we want to live happier, lives that go more smoothly, then this is the relationship we need to cultivate.
So many ‘new age’ teachings, are actually a distraction. We have a God, who loves us, who can help to guide us in our life, who we can communicate with in an instant. And yet we find ourselves exploring down dead ends, because we have been conditioned to believe that saying the word ‘God’ is a crime.
Last week I started mentioning the new age deception on my Telegram channel and watched my followers rapidly decline in record time.
There may be many of you, who don’t believe this, and think it’s plain ridiculous to think that there is some truth in a dusty old Bible, in what appears to be the dullest, most boring spiritual teachings ever to appear on this earth.
Becoming a Christian was the last thing, I ever thought I would do, and ever wanted to do. I have resisted these teachings, and still do resist much of what I read in the Bible, and yet the part of my brain, that wants things to make sense, to be logical, and consistent, cannot deny that I am becoming more and more convinced that this is where the truth lies.
So for this reason, I do not want to signpost you the wrong way, and contribute to something that could be in a way related to deception, and this is why I have unpublished the book.
If you’re interested in learning more about new age deception, and the journey towards Christianity, then my friend Lula has started a group on facebook. It will be launched later this week so send me a pm if you’d like to be added.
I should add that the Bible is not an easy read, especially for those of us who come from positive uplifting ‘everything will be okay’ style narratives. I’ve always been a hopeful, positive person, but for me, I had to acknowledge the whole truth and potential possibilities, in order to go further into the darkness, and then find the spiritual strength from God, to know that despite, this, everything is still okay.
See the links below, for personal testimonies for those who have made a ‘new age to Jesus’ transition and share more about new age deception.