A New Song
When I was at school in the 1980’s we went to assembly each morning, and sat cross-legged on the floor singing hymns. It wasn’t a religious school, but that was just what we did back in those days. We were a ‘Christian’ country, or so perhaps people assumed. But I didn’t believe in God, and neither did any of my family. It felt like a bit of a joke, singing those songs. About a silly God that the headteacher wanted to impose on us. He believed but we did not.
Singing is good for the soul, but is it any wonder that as we got older we chose our own songs? We were free and full of the spirit of rebellion. We listened to songs about freedom and love and doing what we wanted. We listened to songs about hurt, pain, suicide and the darker side of reality.
The double bluff is that by imposing the ‘religion’ on us, they encouraged us to reject it. By making it forced, we sought out our freedom. In pubs and nightclubs the music blared. We thought the songs were our path to liberation, but like a siren on a rock they were actually our path to destruction.
When you look into the music industry, you will see that fame and success is only ever possible by pledging allegiance to Satan. Many musical artists tell stories of ‘selling their soul’ and if you read between the lines they are not talking metaphorically. Check out this 5 hour video from X Factor star Altiyan Childs who reveals the secret symbology of how stars reveal who they serve. (warning this video is not for the sensitively minded and shared only to help people see the truth.)
Musical Truth by Mark Devlin is a really well researched book about the fake manufactured rebels of the music industry who are there to lead us astray. The only issue with his book is that it is does not go quite deep enough into truth, because, if you believe that all of the music industry is worshipping Satan or ‘dark forces,’ then you need to consider with an open-mind, that Jesus might be real. You need to consider that the imposed institutionalised religion was in fact a trick, to fill you with the spirit of rebellion and lead you into manufactured Satanic music trap.
After years of listening to music that I thought was ‘alternative’ and not that mainstream, the lyrics would get tossed up again in my mind like driftwood on a stormy sea. I realised that so many of them were about the devil, rejecting God, singing about jezebel, or other inverted biblical themes.
When these songs come up in my mind I always ask God for a new song.
‘He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the LORD. - Psalm 40.3