They don’t care about you.
It’s an alienating feeling, that the world continues on. That people go out to work and get on with their days, and so very few people stop to consider that there are those, who can longer go about their days, who are stopped from doing basic tasks like going to buy clothes for their children, or get on a bus.
It seems to trigger some deep childhood wound, perhaps that we all carry.
Sometime when we were sad, or struggling with something and nobody had the time or the empathy to listen to our feelings. Here we are sad, and crying, and lost. As if we were sent to our rooms, and wondering, how long it would be, when we would be called downstairs again.
And they do not see it. Because discrimination isn’t discrimination apparently, if you hate the people who are being discriminated against, if the people you are discriminated against have been ‘othered’ and homogenised, to have identical characteristics as if they were gingerbread people cut out with cookie cutters.
What are we, selfish? Ignorant? White supremacists? Right wing? Radical? Terrorists?
For so long I’ve wanted to have conversations, and make videos and share who we really are. So that people can see how deep the media lies are and how much they have been duped, by a story about a vaccine that wasn’t a vaccine. The story about a vaccine for which they had to change the dictionary definition of vaccine to say it was a vaccine. Because a vaccine offers immunity, and theoretically, according to it’s definition, (this is also debatable) protects others.
Yet this is a medication, a gene therapy, that works on the individual only. Half my daughter’s school is currently in quarantine. despite the rollout of injections to adults and children alike.
The story is about a vaccine that is not a vaccine, but it’s got to be a vaccine because otherwise you’d have no reason to hate us.
You’d start to care. You’d start to wonder about the rulers who wish to exclude and cut out millions of people from society, until they can no longer access money to buy food. Will the hated one day get to the brink of starvation and nobody utters a word because they hate them? All because a word was used to describe something that was not that thing?
What can we do other than stop using that word ‘vaccine’ and stand proud and no that we are none of the things they have called us.
Get to know someone. Get to know someone who made a different choice from you, and listen to their story. There is one thing that I have noticed about hearing people’s stories, their full stories. That even if they made different choices to me. That even if they made choices I thought were wrong, and destructive, that when I listened and really heard the full story, then I understood that the choice they made was their choice, their could be no other way. If you do not understand someone’s choice. If you find yourself labelling a whole group of people with the same characteristics, without meeting them or speaking to them, then I am absolutely certain that you know nothing about them.
It’s such a stark contrast that we live in a world that purports to promote diversity, non-discrimination, of people based on the ethnicity, their gender, and sexual orientation. And yet a choice of whether or not to take a gene therapy masquerading as a vaccine has led to the greatest levels of discrimination than I have witnessed in my lifetime. If you stand against discrimination, but are silent about what is going on right now, then please do more research into these injections. This is happening because those who are still favoured by the system support it. One day you won’t be flavour of the month. Or you will be, if you keep your vaccine passport up to date, or you swap the phone app for a microchip, or a microchip for a brain/cloud interface, as laid out in Klaus Schwab’s book The Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Because their ‘illusion’ of care, comes with conditions, and fine print, that you may not be aware of, unless you’ve considered the interlocking pieces of The Great Reset, Digital Identity, the changes to the human rights act, and how it’s all being introduced via this health ‘emergency.’ For your personal safety, they will offer you security, so tightly locked up into the digital system, that life will never be the same again.
It is time we all dived deep, and faced that childhood wound. Those times that we felt we weren’t cared about, that we weren’t listened to, and that we were isolated from our fellow humans. The trick is not to jump at every demand to rejoin society so that we can belong. Instead we can heal from our wounded separateness, and create something new, with those who genuinely care about our bodies, minds, and souls, not those who seek to control and profit, from our slavery in a digital data system. Through healing we can stop banging on the doors of an old world, asking to be let in, but instead find love and connection with those who really do care.