Choose Life
About five years ago, when I was living in Switzerland, I was in a German class with someone who worked at Syngenta, who are in their words ‘A leading agriculture company helping to improve global food security by enabling millions of farmers to make better use of available resources.’
My classmate started talking about plans for the future to grow vegetables in what would actually be factories, using technology to get the precise conditions of water and light that a tomato would need to grow, all done completely artificially. It horrified me, and he said, that that was the future, and it needed to be that way, because of the drastic situation on our planet.
The future has already been written. Or so it seems.
Meanwhile in my garden I am stunned at how miraculous it all is. At how a tiny seed, literally contains the program for an entire plant. I find it hard to believe that the plants will eventually be growing vegetables, and that two courgette plants will produce enough courgettes to feed a family for a season, but this is apparently the case.
And I am amazed at how cyclical it all is, how our kitchen waste that we would otherwise throw away can be composted to help the plants grow, and that what they need most is actually the poo of mammals to make the most nutritious soil.
I got curious about the concept of composting toilets, and on one video I watched the person was saying how absolutely tragic it is that we flush away this vital resource, polluting billions of gallons of fresh water in the process.
While globally 785 million people don’t have access to good drinking water.
I can remember when I was a teenager, at an age of questioning, that I wondered why people grew lawns and pretty flowers, and went to the supermarket for vegetables when they could have used the space to grow food? ‘’Oh it’s very difficult and takes so much time,’’ my mum told me.
And it does. I’m really having to manage my impatient tendencies, as there simply aren’t enough hours in the day for all I could do. But it’s a start.
Our world has problems. And the solutions that humans in position of power and influence come up with all involve technology. If you read ‘COVID-19 (so-called) Great Reset by Klaus Scwhab, founder of the World Economic Forum, you will see that the future ‘they’ want is digital. Merging with the internet. Online and monitored 24/7, eating monotone tomatoes grown by a company who kills bees.
There is an agenda on this planet, and it is anti-life, anti-God. It is the arrogance of imperfect humans who think that their fantastic brains can come up with the solutions. It is the greed of corporate giants. It is the desire to control by elite psychopaths, that is pushing one single agenda, that human advancement will save us when it will only enslave us.
After a few months of being in my garden, I am humbled and in awe of nature’s perfection. What if we simply tried as much as we are able to return to what we were given instead of trying to ‘advance’ something that was already perfection?
It’s not progress when humanity is still thirsty. What does it matter if we turn off the heat ‘for the Ukraine’ but are polluting drinking water? I don’t mean to suggest there our easy answers, I live in a rental property so won’t be installing composting toilets anytime soon. But it just makes me think that we need to stand together, and support each other, and make little changes where we can, and not be fooled by the anti-life solutions that will come our way.
Choose life.