When I was a teenager all around me were people taking all kinds of drugs. I tried speed and ecstasy but I was always fearful of Acid. I’d heard people’s stories of bad trips and it scared me. Was it really worth playing Russian roulette for the sake of a good time when it could end up being terrifying? I only ever took half an acid tab, on the recommendation of a friend so it would be fun and light, rather than a full on trip.
Back then I assumed that psychedelic drugs harnessed the power of the human mind, and our brain chemistry to create an imaginative journey. Like a waking dream. Growing up in an atheist family I had no knowledge of the spiritual realm.
Acid was for fun, but drugs are also being promoted in the west for healing these days, whether it’s microdosing mushrooms, or a Shamanic journey with Ayahuasca. A few years ago a friend was telling me all about how healing trying Ayahuasca was, how much a few sessions had helped her heal and evolve.
As she extolled the benefits the same fear came up in me that I’d had all those years ago about Acid. It wasn’t that I’d heard bad stories about Ayahuasca, but there seemed something so intense about the spiritual journey, the throwing up involved before the journey got going, the going into a vision that would last for hours. I felt like I was quite happy with my own healing modalities, the slow path, rather than having something that would transform me over night.
Since coming to Christ, I thank God for the instinctual God-given fear that he gave me. I thank God that the door to psychedelics remained closed.
Because now I understand that the good trips are just as scary as the bad trips. Even more so. Because the good trips lure you back, inviting you for more.
‘Satan disguises himself as an angel of light,’ - 2 Corinthians 11 14-15. The angels, the light beings, the glorious visions. ‘When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. - John 8.44.
What people experience under the influence of psychedelics, or Ayahuasca, is not just a product of their brain chemistry, but moving beyond it, opening up into the spiritual realm. The devil is the ‘prince and power of the air,’ and so on a drug induced spiritual journey we are opened up to his realm. What looks beautiful, and alluring, what feels healing and beneficial, is in actual fact a stage show put on by the devil.
But what about intuition, you might ask, what about discernment? If it feels good to you then who am I to say it’s not? The problem is the devil is much more intelligent than us. We are mere toddlers to him who cannot discern fact from fiction. He laughs at us.
We have been given a measure to test the spirits, and that is Jesus Christ. None of the entities can maintain their deception when his authority steps on the scene. Call on the name of Jesus Christ with an open mind and a humble heart, on an ayahuasca journey, and ‘light beings’ will metamorphosise into their true being as demons. There are many testimonies of people who have taken psychedelics and then turned to Christ who have realised the lies of their insights and visions. (I will link to a few in the comments).
Psychedelics are very much part of the false light/new age/ agenda. That’s why they invited Shamans to the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos last year. In your fifteen minute city you can be shut in your tiny apartment, exploring the metaverse or the spiritual realms. Both of these serve the same purpose to the powers and principalities that want to lead people away from God.
Personally I’ll be picking up a Bible, and praying to God. The best trip ever is closing up the doors of perception and communing with his holy spirit.
I always remember my older brother telling me that he was treating some people in the mental institution that he worked who’d taken drugs for the first time and ended up with some kind of psychosis. Put me off that’s for sure 😅