I thought I would put together this link with some of the resources that helped open my eyes to the new age deception, and the truth in the story of Jesus’s life and resurrection. If there’s any other good resources I’ve missed please let me know and I’ll add them.
A visit to the Lucis Trust (formally Lucifer trust) library, at the United Nations
Aethereal Documentary
Probably Alexandria on the new age deception.
Plandemic: The New Age Indoctrination
Testimony from a Psychic Medium Who realised she was talking to demons not people’s loved ones.
When ‘spirit guides’ turn out to be demons testimony.
gods of the new age documentary
Supernatural Sleuth - Series about our supernatural foes.
Aquarius The Age Of Evil, documentary.
Hugo Talks on the One World Religion
The Testimony of Joe Schimmel - Joe wrote songs as a teenager about selling his family to the devil. He was also exploring new age practises like lucid dreaming. During an episode of sleep paralysis he called out to Jesus and realised what he’d been opening up to.
Laura Maxwell and Joe Jordan On The Alien Deception
Why Aliens Are Actually Demons
Piercing The Cosmic Veil - The Alien Deception
I grew up Buddhist, Demons Followed me Then Jesus Christ Did This
A Case For Christ - Sceptical legal journalist searches for evidence to disprove the story of Jesus’s resurrection and ends up becoming a believer!
Testimony on the two ‘Jesus’s and why one is false.
Former Kundalini Yoga teacher comes to Christ
Magical Mystery Church - How the New age is entering the church
Kate, this is such a brilliant resource!! Thanks so much for putting it together xx