How to ward off evil spirits
There is an ancient belief that the veil is most thin between the physical realm and the spiritual realm on the 31st October. Pagans began a tradition to dress up in animal or monster costumes to ward off ghosts and spirits. They also sacrificed animals and even humans to appease the god of death, Samhain.
What kind of a god needs human sacrifice in order to be appeased?
Pagan beliefs are scattered pick and mix in our culture, we can pick the nice bits like the fairies and the nature spirits while disregarding anything unsavory. We can choose to believe evil doesn’t exist. We are encouraged to believe that belief is a personal choice, and that loving people and respecting their free will is all dependent on pretending there’s no such thing as objective truth about the spiritual realm.
Meanwhile we can dress our children up in cute little devil costumes because it’s all just a bit of fun.
But it’s a simple logical question. Is there a god of death or not? Are there spirits that need appeasing, and if so what is the best way to go about warding them off?
The thing is that while the majority of people see Halloween as a chance to get some sweets and have some fun there are some people that take it very seriously. Witches, warlocks and Satanists know that it is the time of year where the spiritual energy is most potent, and their spells and rituals can be most powerful.
Ex. Satanist John Ramirez, did rituals that could actually result in the death of someone, (though he found that genuine Christians were immune to his spells).
When it comes to the truth of the spiritual realm, I didn’t want to stop believing in fairies, and nature spirits. I didn’t want to stop believing in my own personal power to manifest my reality. I didn’t want to stop believing that we are all gods and goddesses, collectively creating a brand new earth.
It wasn’t very appealing to let go of all beliefs, but truth hit me, and I couldn’t ignore it. Truth, not something I picked up because I was lost and looking for something. Not something I was drawn to because it gave me ‘good vibes’ and promised so much.
Truth because so many testimonies corroborated it, and because one day God showed up and showed me that he was so different and more powerful than all the spells and rituals that could ever be.
The problem with dressing in a costume, or performing any kind of spell is it opens a door, it initiates a conversation, and it is a realm that God warned people not to journey to. ‘Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light,’ and he may come as a fairy, a deceased love one, or a god that demands appeasement. John Ramirez has said that even dressing as a ‘good character’ opens that door.
In our modern Western culture, Halloween has taken on an air of the fictional, you can dress up as a superhero, or a character from Harry Potter, because there is apparently no evil at all in our increasingly secular/spiritual but not religious culture.
But here’s the thing, we don’t get to choose, we don’t get to ‘create our own reality.’ Evil is real and we can’t wipe it out by thinking positive thoughts.
When a child is in trouble, they can call out to a parent not to try to solve everything for themselves.
Pagan beliefs about spirits are like fairy stories, make-believe about ways that we can use our own ways to appease evil. But these spirits led people astray and asked for human sacrifices. They still do.
Never forget.
Only the God that created us, and put a consciences in our mind, and wrote his law on our hearts, can guide us out of the darkness. Only the name of Jesus can ward off the evil one. Keep that name on your lips as the world invites you to play with the devil.
It is not worth sacrificing your soul for a night of fun and sweets.