Knowing The Difference
Someone is coming. Someone who will come with ‘signs and wonders.’ Someone who will look like a magic performer and a miracle worker.
In these years of speaking out about what I saw happening in the world, there have been some who have said, don’t say that, or can you reword that, because the way I have written it might ‘manifest’ it. For a while I would go back and edit, and change and consider my words like spells, until I realised that this belief system as an untruth twisted into it. An untruth as old as the Garden of Eden where the serpent tempted Eve telling her that she could be like God.
There are some who say that the Bible is all ‘armageddon’ and ‘end times’ and so we better not read it, or we might manifest it. After all Christianity is the biggest religion in the world, and those pesky Christians are busy reading their bibles and manifesting the end times while others are busy trying to build the world they want to see.
Or are they?
When I finished reading the Bible, something that took me the best part of this year, a friend from my church congratulated me, she said that ‘’many never make it.’’ She explained that many Christians actually never read the entire Bible.
Bibles used to be burned. Now they are hidden in plain sight, everywhere and yet unopened, or skimmed through, read only in select sections.
Don’t read it or you might manifest it. It’s the perfect way to detract people so that they do not read it, and don’t get to the passages where it talks about the one who is coming. ‘This man will come to do the work of Satan with counterfeit power and signs and miracles.’
The director of the Lucis Trust, (formerly Lucifer Trust) a spiritual organisation linked with the United Nations, has spoken of a Christ, who will come, a ‘world-teacher,’ and she directly says that this is not the Christian Christ.
This ‘world-teacher’ who sounds like the new age version of Jesus, a man who was an ascended master, who learnt things from mystery schools and was just like any other human, not the son of God. The seductive and appealing version of Jesus, that elevates ourselves to all being potential Gods, and here we are back in deception of the Garden of Eden.
Lee Strobel, was a journalist trained in law who was devastated when his wife became a follower of Jesus. After all wouldn’t she now become a boring frigid woman, instead of the fun loving woman he married? So he spent over a year looking at all the evidence to disprove the story. What shocked him was that he found evidence both inside and outside of the Bible for the resurrection. It really happened.
There are two Jesus’s and it’s vital we educate ourselves on the difference. Johanna Michaelsen, was a Christian who also worked alongside a psychic surgeon. She connected with both Jesus’s; the real and the counterfeit. When she tested one of the Jesus’s in the way the Bible instructs us to ‘test the spirits,’ his real persona was revealed.
In these last few years, many of us have been digging below the surface, of joining up the dots, and seeing what is at the heart of many of our power structures. Many of us have heard of horrendous abuse going way beyond the mainstream media whitewashed version. Satanic ritual abuse, that has been dismissed in the media on many occasions as being ‘satanic panic.’
Take a look at the movies, the music, the adverts. Just yesterday I observed Lady Gaga dressed in a devil outfit on a perfume advert promising ‘freedom’ to those who bought it. I heard about a new blasphemous music video from Madonna that I cannot bring myself to watch. There is the new Disney series, ‘Little Demon’ and a movie ‘Hocus Pocus,’ about witches hungry for children.
Over the last few months I’ve stopped listening to the music I used to listen to because of the constant references to the devil. I’ve gone less and less mainstream and still find it hard to find a musician that isn’t singing about the devil, Lucifer or Jezebel.
What is extraordinary is despite the devil being everywhere the majority of people do not believe he exists.
It’s funny how I acknowledged the existence of Satanic ritual abuse without really considering the name, and whether it meant that Satan actually existed?
And without considering that if there was such a thing as Satanic ritual abuse, that Jesus is also real.
The popular image of Jesus, the long haired bearded white guy, who looks so handsome. I’ve been wondering. What if this is the image of this ‘other Christ’ - the antichrist. There are some Christians who believe we should not even be looking at images of Jesus, and the Jesus in the Bible was actually not that attractive to look at.
Because that’s the whole essence of what we are being asked to do. To look beyond appearances, to look beyond the bright and shiny packaging, the alluring signs and wonders, and to see what’s really inside.
Christianity is like this. It’s wrapped up in the most boring, and ugliest packaging. But Satan is the God of this world, and he is the designer of the images that appear on the surface. You have to look inside, you have to start to read the book from beginning to end. Without this education there is no way to discern between the real Christ and the anti-Christ.