Lifting The Veil
Satan hates the book of revelation. Because it offers the roadmap, the way through.
I’ve noticed lately just how many different arguments there are out there that attempt to debunk the book of Revelation. Many of these arguments sound extremely intellectual, appealing to people’s intellectual pride. For example, that the book was just written to ‘coerce Christians’ in the early church to follow their faith, when persecuted by the Romans, or that it was changed or edited.
But Satan loves to create interpretations to suit all tastes. If you’re not the intellectual type but are into popular culture, then try a Hollywood movie. Many superhero films have as their plot an inversion of revelation where a hero like Superman saves the world from apocalyptic destruction. These films program people to see apocalypse as the end of the world, something to be terrified of, something that needs to be stopped at all costs.
In a documentary from Little Light Studios they point out that the original word in Greek ‘apokaluptein’ from the Bible means ‘uncover, reveal. ’Now ‘we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face.’ (Corinthians 13.12).
The idea that apocalypse is terrifying, and destructive, is exactly how Satan wants people to see it.
But it is not the end, it is a time when the veil is lifted, when we will see the reality of creation and who is behind it. For those who follow Jesus, it is something to rejoice and celebrate.
Yes there are parts of Revelation that sound absolutely terrifying. But here is the point, for people to find and deepen their faith, to be tested like gold, refined in the fire.
Revelation tells us what will happen in those last years. That many Christians will be persecuted, and that some will escape to the wilderness.
I was recently listening to a church sermon online in which pastor Joe Schimmel explained a possibility that it is those who recognise the signs of the times that will escape to the wilderness.
It reminded me of a dream I had after thinking about the future ‘smart cities.’ In the dream there was a city on one side and a mountainous wilderness on the other side. There was a canal that went in-between the city and the wilderness, and I was on a boat travelling through. The message seemed to be that this is the way forward, to live in-between.
Revelation is not something to fear, it’s a way to find Jesus. At least that was my experience when I recognised the signs of the times, and began to read it and figure out where the truth lay.
Satan would love you to dismiss the book, to run to feel-good spirituality about a ‘great awakening,’ because the idea of armageddon and the ‘end of the world’ is so unappealing.
But God is not about image, and shiny tempting stories that sound better, he’s about diving deep, and finding the pearl beyond the fear. It’s there in the pages of Revelation, but not just in the pages, but when they come alive through faith in Jesus.
Satanic Agenda of Superhero Films With Joe Schimmel and Doreen Virtue.
Blessed Hope Chapel Series on Revelation on You Tube (long but so much amazing info!)