Love Is Not Enough
If you look around at the world in some respects it is evolving into a more compassionate place. For example; take parenting. One or two generations ago parenting was much more violent, much more about punishment and consequences, and manipulating children to do what parents want with carrots and sticks.
Yet now many parents are learning gentler, more compassionate approaches. There is more science to show us the detrimental effects of punishment and reward on the developing brain.
And as these children grow up they often become gentler, more empathic adults, because they have received empathy so they are able to give it to others.
Now, think about 2020. Lockdowns had a hugely detrimental effect on children’s mental health. We have covid ‘enquiries’ and research that tell us that. Even though any person in touch with their instincts would have known the consequences from day 1 of lockdown.
Yet so few mental health professionals spoke up.
Did they not know?
Loneliness is up there with smoking as one of the greatest risk factors for ill health.
Vitamin D is vital for immunity.
There was science to warn us before lockdown, but nobody listened.
People loved.
They loved by putting masks on. They loved by not seeing their friends. They loved by taking mRNA vaccines, and now some children are left without parents.
Love without truth.
It is dangerous.
In the sixties the Beatles sang ‘all you need is love.’ They spearheaded a revolution of bringing Hindu religious teachings to the west repackaged as ‘spiritual’ and ‘free.’
They sang about Jesus, and switched to Hare Krishna mid verse.
Truth dissolves into a pool of psychedelic drugs, and expanding consciousness.
Postmodern subjectivity, and it’s just my truth and your truth now.
If we seek to love without truth it’s like a compass spinning around and around that has lost true north. Directionless and random. Pointing towards ‘the latest thing.’
You can love the latest thing that the newspapers tell you to love. You can love the wolves in sheep’s clothing. You can love anything and everything that makes you look good.
Because staying silent looks good.
But it isn’t even really love.
Satan masquerades as an angel of light, and beneath the seemingly positive evolution of humanity, there is a darkness.
It showed its head in 2020 and it will show its head again. Look beyond our comfortable lives, and it already has.
Seek truth, while there is still time.
Documentaries about spirituality coming to the west