There are millions of people who talk to God all day long, even though they don’t believe in him. Atheists. Spiritual people who might believe in the power of the universe, but don’t actually believe in a monotheistic God nevertheless, talk to God.
I realised this a few days ago, when I decided that I was going to make a conscious effort not to say, ‘’oh my God’’ anymore. I suddenly realised how much I said it. Probably a dozen or so more times a day.
And it suddenly blew my mind, that for all these years, I had been talking to God, without even realising. And I was doing it, every time I had a complaint to make. Everytime there was something annoying, or shocking, or negative to say.
And I felt awful, because, here is this perfect, almighty being, that loves us, and wants a relationship with us, and all I had was a series of complaints.
Why is this the case? Why are so many of us doing this? I couldn’t help but wonder. Is this programmed into the culture? To ignore the existence of God everywhere, and yet, have us unconsciously address God, with a neverending stream of complaints, instead of gratitude?
And is it any wonder, that our lives don’t go smoothly when this is how we treat the creator of all things?!
What was even more mindblowing, is when I shared my reflections in The Bridge, facebook group for Christians coming from ‘new age’ spirituality, someone said they had just been reading this passage from the Bible;
Isaiah 52:5-6 “And all day long my name is constantly blasphemed. Therefore my people will know my name, therefore in that day they will know that it is I who foretold it. Yes, it is I.”
y got chills, realising that he knew that we would do this, blaspheme his name all day. And it was like an affirmation of his realness as I read those words.
Tony Pearce, a Pastor at The Bridge Christian Fellowship in London, shared in one of his talks (you can watch them on Youtube), that the Bible is actually ¼ prophecy. And when you see the prophecy of the words unroll before your eyes, it is mindblowing.
Gradually through conscious attention, I am stopping the habit of a lifetime and replacing my ‘oh my God’s’ with gratitude and thanks.