Return To The Garden
You are sitting jn a beautiful garden with a loved one. Everything you could ever need is right there before you, then a snake coils around a tree and tells you, there is more.
This is the first deception.
Then reality shifts like the clouds come over, and there are thorns and thistles everywhere, and the good is mixed with bad, like the truth is mixed with lies, and between the natural, is the artificial the man-made, imitation. And untangling it all is like untangling a thread of golden wool that has become so dirty that it is almost unrecognisable.
The snake is still hanging around, he never went away, he has shapeshifted and metamorphosed into a million different forms and aspects of himself, including his original being, an angel, now fallen, but still retaining that ability to captivate, to shine, to look so beautiful.
The snake father of lies sells all his wares under the banner of ‘freedom,’ and ‘liberation,’ not telling you that it was God that made the tree, and God who let it grow, with fruit that was freely available to taste but with a warning that it should not be eaten, because God made the tree, and he knows how dark the evil gets.
And because God allows freedom what more could he do, but leave messages and signs and words, for all those who want to return.
And the snake sends out his messages, and they’re an awful lot louder, and awful more persistent.
And God has his people who share his words, and the snake has his.
Beware of the charmers, the twisters, the ones who tell so much truth, and just when you are least expecting it sprinkle in a few lies, and the lies by omission. They will never tell the whole truth.
And if someone who calls herself ‘Satan’s Mother’ is speaking truth, you can be pretty sure that the truth she speaks is less than worthless, even if it sounds so good to you.
Because God tells us truth plainly, and he put it in a book so you wouldn’t have to go traipsing through the dangerous depths of the internet to find the nuggets of what they say is the hidden stories, the useful information.
Satan was a wonderful musician, and a fine actor, and his people have the skills to act on stage and off. We are so used to acting, not just in films, TV dramas and soap operas, that we do not always discern that actors act not just when they play fictional characters but also when they play themselves.
These people are the narcissists and the sociopaths, and when you see how much attention Satan demands for himself in popular music, then you will see that he is the ultimate narcissist and picks those that resemble him.
But they seem so nice, so charming, so beautiful. Always the beautiful people, because when the mind is tricked by lust, the lies are easier to slip in.
When God became man he was one who ‘had no beauty or majesty to attract us to Him, nothing in His appearance that we should desire Him.’ Isaiah 53.2
God wanted those who would appreciate his message, not manipulated into believing it because of the physical appearance of the messenger.
In time Satan will bring his own incarnation of himself an antichrist, that many will be deceived into believing is the Christ. And if the minor players cause confusion, and disagreement about who they are and if they are telling the truth, then how much greater will the fall be when the antichrist himself takes the stage? I have a feeling he will be stunningly beautiful, and exceptionally charming, and I pray that anyone reading these words will pick up the ultimate book on how to recognise him.
‘Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us.’ - 1 John 2 17-19