Seeking Truth And It's Surprising Destination
If someone had told me two years ago that I would become a Christian a couple years later, I would have probably laughed hysterically. I wouldn’t have believed them.
And if it was going to happen, I’d have thought the only explanation would be that I had lost my mind, become mentally ill, or as someone recently told me- become so desperate for comfort during these unstable times that I was looking for the stability of a reassuring belief system.
Isn’t it funny how people like to get inside your head, and make up stories about why you believe something, when they aren’t comfortable with who you become?
And I’ve tiptoed around sharing about this, because of a fear of judgment. Because I know I’ve judged Christians in the past. They are boring, straight-laced, sexually repressed, old and unfashionable. They are non-spiritual, and don’t have any practises or any real experiences of the divine.
When I was a teenager, I had a friend who came from a Christian family. My other friend and I would walk past the Church on a Friday night, pick her up from her choir practise, where she was half-rebelling in her fishnet stockings, and go to the local nightclub The Dungeon, where some people claimed to be real vampires and actually drank human blood.
Christianity was the oppressive chains of boring parents. It was the thing that dragged you down, the opposite of fun, life and living. It was something to laugh at and scoff at, and I am ashamed to say, that when we were drunk, and used to walk past the church we used to tear down the banners advertising the Sunday service. Then later, we would laugh when our friend told us how she overheard in church the old ladies complaining about it.
So I guess that this post, could be viewed as a way of making amends for all that, of saying that I got it all wrong, and I hope - pray, that it could be more.
How did this happen? I am not sure entirely, but around six years ago, I stumbled across a certain book that was sharing what felt like truth about this world. No it wasn’t the Bible, but a well-known conspiracy theorist, and I felt certain that there was accuracy in the words.
When the COVID situation began I knew in my gut that we were being lied to and I found myself returning to that particular author, and many other people out there sharing the truth. And as the reality of our world became so starkly visible, I desperately craved hope. I didn’t want to fall into despair. I had always been, a positive, optimistic kind of person, even in times of struggle. There had to be a way of this.
I wrote a facebook post, asking people what brought them hope during these times, and I was recommended some spiritual teachers, psychics and channelers. Through these I discovered others, all of whom were talking about something that sounded really amazing; ‘the great awakening’, and that humanity was currently going through a process of consciousness raising, that we were shifting into a state of enlightenment.
So although everything looked dark in the sense of restrictions, mass control, a digital ID/cashless society, social credit system, being introduced on the back of the virus threat, everything was going to be okay in the end, more than okay. It was going to be amazing.
Somewhere along the line, I started doubting this narrative about ‘the great awakening’.
There were parts of it that I could never quite consolidate to my worldview, even while I was willing to open my mind and change it. Many of these psychics talked about Trump being a good guy, that he was going to get back in power. Some had links to people who claimed to have insider information from the ‘good guys,’ but the stories kept changing, and never came true.
Then, a friend of mine was posting information about ‘new age deception,’ about plans to create a one-world religion, by blending all of the religions of the world into one. While on the surface the religion would be all ‘love and light,’ it would be a trick, a way to initiate people into the darkness.
At the time I knew there was some truth it and followed some of the links he sent me, but I didn’t realise how far the deception went.
Then I began to get curious about the Bible. I kept hearing about ‘the mark of the beast,’ and how it was written in the Bible, that ‘no man could buy or sell without the mark of the beast.’ I decided to get a Bible and read it, because I was impressed at the prediction and I knew that there was something in it.
As a ‘spiritual’ rather than religious person, I had space in my mind for different worldviews. I could accept the truth of the Bible, and mix it up with my own spiritual beliefs. Except, as my reading and my journey evolved, I learnt a few things. That the Bible actually warns against consulting psychics. That there are many spiritual people who believed they had spirit guides but actually discovered they were demons in disguise. As the Bible says, ‘the devil disguises itself as a demon of light.’ The Bible also says we must always ‘test the spirits’ and if we are in communication with a spirit we must ask it, ‘are you of God?’
There were a few occasions when in meditation, or in random moments I was given messages, when dead family members spoke to me. These were brief flashes, but I wonder what would have happened if I had got deeper into it, and actually tested the spirits. Were these encounters actually what I thought they were? What would have happened if I had tested the spirits?
Doreen Virtue was a top new age channeler who left the new age, and became a born again Christian. In one of her youtube interviews she talks to her friend Jenn Nizza, a former psychic who realised that the information she was receiving was coming from demons.
As so many of us who strive after truth, gravitate towards this ‘everything will be okay’ narrative, we embrace opening our minds, and getting excited about the possibilities. We are promised that as our consciousness rises our past lives will come back online, and our telepathy skills will improve.
And yet, what if this is just a story? What if it’s just a psychic deception?
In reading the Bible, and in listening to the testimonies of those who have been deceived, who have been involved in ‘new age’ practises, and then been psychically attacked when they gave them up to follow Jesus Christ, I am becoming more and more convinced that this is where the truth lies.
Enough to put my trust in Jesus Christ. Enough to become a Christian.
It’s taken me a while to have the courage to say that. To admit to something that has such a bad image. To me Christianity was just plain boring, but to others who grew up in religious families, it’s incredibly traumatic and abusive.
I have been encouraged on this journey by the words of friends, recent converts who have gone before me. They aren’t boring or unfashionable, they don’t want to become religious, and they don’t want to oppress anyone. They are people like me who were simply seeking truth, and ended up here, and were just as surprised as me to be here.
I began sharing posts about the Bible and new age deception on my Telegram and noticed the numbers of my followers declining. It feels sad, and a little bit scary, to speak about something that appears to be so unpopular. Unpopular to all of the followers I gathered, and were such a source of comfort the last time I was saying unpopular things. Yet, I feel a drive to write this, that is stronger than the fear.
Each day I still feel a strange distaste for the image of God, Jesus, and Christianity, a strange wanting to hide about it all. And yet I know there is something beyond the image, something more beautiful, something more peaceful. Something that protects us from Demons, and gives us the answers and an end to all the endless striving.
I know there is something beyond the image, when I read people write about how Jesus has nothing to do with religion, that Jesus himself was killed by religious leaders. I know there is something beyond the image, when I hear people talk about the church has been hijacked, and the teachings have been completely distorted. I know there is something beyond the image when I hear about people being baptised in water, and being flooded with the holy spirit, or healed instantly from their pain.
As much as there is a part of me that wants to hide away this part of me. As much as there is shame and embarrassment, that I have been led on this path, I also feel this urge to write and share for those who would like to hear.
And if you’re interested in learning more then you can join our new facebook group about new age deception and the journey to Jesus.