I don’t share much about the injections these days, for a number of reasons; my husband took them and I could not live with the anxiety of looking at the info all the time. I was just so grateful that he was okay, along with other family and friends, that I didn’t want to be focused on the ‘what if’s,’ and just wanted to enjoy the simple things in life.
There is a silver lining to everything it seems. I was set free from the narrative. It whispers away in the background, and sometimes they’ll be something that grabs my attention, but most of the time my focus is elsewhere.
It was around the same time that I found God, which is the other reason. Seeing a different viewpoint, that we ‘wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places,’ made me realise, that on the physical level, there’s little we can do. It’s a spiritual war.
New age philosophy enlists people into the war, we are encouraged to ‘do the work’ to heal, to manifest to raise our consciousness, as if the future of mankind depended on it.
Being a follower of Christ feels different to me. It feels like being an evacuee in the war, sent out of the main city, to live in the countryside, far from the main warzone, to live peacefully as a child of God, rather than someone who takes on the fighting. In truth we are too young to be enlisted. Yet some will be. We know that all around the world there are child soldiers, that one day the war may grow so that it will come to us where we are hiding in a leafy forest, or on a windswept beach. But for now, some of us are privileged enough to be safe.
Nevertheless, the truth still matters, even if I have mostly let go of the need to be the messenger of this worldly corruption. However there was something that caught my eye today, that was such a blatant distortion of the truth, that I couldn’t not share.
Babies are dying. They are dying at abnormally high rates. An article in the Herald had the headline ‘(injections) ruled out in neonatal death spike. So I clicked, wondering what kind of study they had done to disprove the injections were the cause. I was surprised to find that there was no study. Instead it was reported that public health experts had ruled out a link between the deaths and the injections ‘without checking whether any infants had received that jag during pregnancy.’ It then went on to read as a piece of propaganda, an attempt to justify the lack of investigation. (link in comments)
I used to believe what Steiner predicted, that the injections had the ability to sever someone from their soul. Now I see how this false narrative operates, to create a hyperfocus on this risk, diverting us from the very thing that might save our soul; belief in Jesus.
It’s bigger than simply an injection, and yet it’s also not. Life matters. These babies died, because their mothers were lied to, by doctors, by politicians, by newspapers and TV, by billionaires, and psychopaths, and all the people seduced by the darkness. I pray that the lies in the newspaper set every reader on a path to discover the truth. ‘Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.’
Article - https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/23028843.covid-scotland-vaccines-ruled-cause-neonatal-deaths-spike/?fbclid=IwAR3IaVB0NwUhJJO0G_FnGRWHRLPpJogrJzcAUpOdGm0s55VtaejbjNmX4I4