Slaying The Pharma Beast
After being injured by a gynaecological procedure for ‘preventing’ cervical cancer I did a bit of research into cervical screening, and what I found startled me. All the pap smears, and procedures for cutting the cervix, have absolutely no impact on all cause mortality figures. Statisticians hired to promote screening have all kinds of sophisticated ways to manipulate the figures and charities like Jo’s Cervical Cancer trust claim that cervical screening saves thousands of lives. But it’s all smokes and mirrors.
One of the most chilling things about looking into this is how women’s bodies have been used to make money. It wasn’t men who were invited for unnecessary tests and had parts of their genitals chopped off. It was women. Women who are more likely to be people-pleasing, and go along with the programme. Women who thought they were doing the right thing, to ‘save their lives’ and be around to look after their children. I googled ‘cervical dysplasia market’ and found how this business was being promoted as something to invest in, as it was shipped out to developing countries who’d been ‘deprived’ of the so-called privilege of cervical screening. Pharma wanted women’s bodies as slaves for it’s profit.
And now it seems that this greedy system of pharma profit has gone into a kind of manic overdrive. As we enter late-stage capitalism there are no ends, and no limits to the demands placed on our body. Shifting rapidly from six month to three monthly boosters, before the first lot of boosters have even finished their rollout. What is this ravenous animal that we have been feeding? That appears to want to consume us all before imploding upon itself. A hungry beast that no longer employs subtle tricks or manipulations, or targets the easier prey, but seeks to stalk anything that moves, woman, man or child.
This hungry beast demands all of our bodies, as pharma slaves. This end-times greed will self-destruct, and it’s terrible to watch the destruction in it’s wake before that. I think it’s time we slayed the beast, stood our ground and said no.