There was a man, who taught people how to heal the sick,
and cast out demons
if we all knew these skills perhaps we wouldn’t be in the mess we are in now.
And this man was hated, and killed by religious leaders,
and this man’s story, was wrapped in the most ugliest of packages, a religion of control, and often abuse, a religion often lacking in the very Holy Spirit needed to heal and cast out.
A few days ago I met a man who I sensed was filled with this Holy Spirit, and I told him that I would like to be baptised, to go through the process of giving my life over to be guided by this spirit.
And he said that it’s important not to rush into the process, and he asked about my journey. And I explained about how I had done a lot of truth-seeking over the last few years, and come to see the spiritual lies that are being told, and I had come to believe that this man, and his story, and his father’s story was the truth.
And after he listened, he said, well it’s wonderful to hear that God has called you.
Each day there is a part of me that wished he hadn’t, because I see that people don’t want to know. I see the follower numbers going down, and the people that declare on their way out, that they don’t want to hear about this man.
And yet I know that this is the only genuinely safe path to take, and that putting my trust in a fickle crowd of followers rather than a divine powerful force, is of course not the way to go.
So go ahead and unfriend me if the name Jesus offends you.
It offends the devil too. The devil that gets cast out by the uttering of that name. And the aliens too (a-lie-ns - devils in disguise) who all vanish when someone calls out to Jesus during an encounter or an abduction. (there are dozens of testimonies online).
Whether it’s religious trauma, or cultural programming in this devil’s world, I am stunned at how people run at the name Jesus, although I guess I shouldn’t be surprised as I used to be like that too.
I hope anyone reading this who has got this far takes a little time to question what it is about a man who loved everyone, should be so hated, not just then in the days he was killed, but now too.