The Darker Side Of Vegan Spirituality
The bible predicts forced vegetarianism in the end times.
‘’Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer… 1st Timothy Chapter 4 - King James version of the bible.
I notice the growing trend to encourage the idea of vegetarian and veganism for healthy living. I have a friend who wants to lose weight and get healthy and he often mentions cutting down on meat or that being vegetarian is healthier. When my friend mentioned he’d been with some vegan friends who were telling him he needed to go vegan to improve his health. I told him this story.
I was vegetarian from the age of 13, but started eating meat again in the last few years. I first started craving meat when I was pregnant eleven years ago. I ignored my intuition, and as a consequence put on a crazy amount of weight (I’m too embarrassed to say how much!), because I ate so much dairy and carbohydrates to try to compensate.
A few years later I started having constant hunger attacks. I need breakfast and four snacks just to get through the morning. I had blood tests to check my thyroid, for diabetes etc. but they came back normal.
So what was I to do? I was at a loss and my constant need to eat huge quantities was extreme. So I tried eating meat. It worked. It reset my metabolism. I ate meat daily for a while and then it trickled off. But the hunger attacks were completely gone. I still eat meat occasionally but can now go months without eating it. Once a month or so I’ll eat meat as I feel like it’s a good choice to keep my metabolism on track.
Back when I was deciding to eat meat again I looked online, I found fb groups for recovering vegetarians and vegans. They suffered serious health conditions that they put down to a lack of meat in their diet. I know there’s probably vegans and vegetarians reading this who might think that they weren’t eating the right food, but I personally believe that sometimes, under some circumstances, we need meat.
Some people seem to do okay on a vegan or vegetarian diet, but not everybody. And what I find disturbing about more militant vegans, is that despite their high levels of compassion for animals, they are often missing empathy for their fellow humans who have struggled on a vegan diet, not because they ate vegan junk food all the time, but because it just wasn’t right for them.
Ethically, I have always believed that eating meat is natural, and that it is our mass farming methods, and animal cruelty that drove me to be vegetarian.
Now to return to this quote from the bible, in the latter times ‘seducing spirits and doctrines of demons’ will command people to abstain from meats.
Back in 2020, I was following a psychic called Magenta Pixie. She spoke about ‘ascension’, a process kind of like enlightenment, that is occurring in this time many call ‘the great awakening.’ Magenta said that to maintain the highest level of ascension, it was important to try and reach a state of being ‘karma free.’ According to her, one of the ways we could do this was by being vegan.
Magenta also said that everyone was at a different stage of this process, and while some people managed fine on a vegan diet, others need meat, and fish, and one way to minimise karma was to occasionally eat free range, compassionately reared meat, although if you couldn’t be completely vegan you wouldn’t be able to reach the state of being ‘karma free.’
For a while I entertained this idea, and went back and forth between having more vegan food, and having little bits of meat, and dairy here and there. But after a while, I just kind of gave up, as I knew in my heart that striving towards veganism was just not for me.
The ironic thing about it all is that though Magenta Pixie presents her spiritual beliefs as being something to free ourselves from the elites top down control system, her beliefs tie in quite nicely with it.
Bill Gates, (the biggest private owner of farmland in the US) has said, ‘’I don’t think the poorest 80 countries will be eating synthetic meat. I do think all rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef. You can get used to the taste difference, and the claim is they’re going to make it taste even better over time. Eventually, that green premium is modest enough that you can sort of change the [behavior of] people or use regulation to totally shift the demand.’’
This is how spiritual deception is working to lure the resistance into complying with the very system they stand against. I don’t blame Magenta at all. She is a lovely, kind-hearted, intelligent person, but sadly I have come to believe she has been deeply deceived by the beings she ‘channels.’
I am convinced that our bodies need meat, at least for some of us, some of the time. I don’t think that needing meat makes us less spiritually advanced than those who manage to be vegan. I am an animal lover. I love vegan food.
But, the truth just seems clear to me that promoting vegan as the ultimate healthy diet, or necessary for spiritual advancement, is a deception designed to help usher in the kind of world where Bill Gates isn’t just in control of the vaccine narrative, but the food supply one too.
...This post was inspired by a video from Doreen Virtue where she talks about this topic.