The First Steps Towards The New Earth
Over the last few weeks I’ve felt frustrated because I feel like I couldn’t do the work I long to do, because I am so distracted by what’s going on in the world, and I feel called to writing about that instead. A friend who is experiencing something similar mentioned that perhaps in a year or so, we’ll be free of all this and be able to properly focus on our missions.
Yesterday I just go so sick of it all, I prayed to be guided on how to do my work. Then an idea popped into my head. I really needed to get started on a guide I want to write for women who’ve been injured by gynaecological surgeries, and need advice on how to recover. I have a cold, so didn’t have much mental energy, so I set a timer on my phone for just a short writing stretch of 30 minutes. Then in the evening, I spoke with a new client, and everything felt wonderful. I felt so much better. I could do my work, my calling, I didn’t need to wait. Yes, it wasn’t the in-person, hands-on work that one day I loved to do, but the feeling of satisfaction from being in-service was the same.
It reminded me of what the psychic Magenta Pixie has said, that the new earth is already here, it’s our consciousness. I had been getting caught up in the world of restrictions and what I can’t do. I had been forgetting, and losing sight of the fact that our minds are being set free from the system. We are already in a new way of living. It’s already happening.
When we were banned from restaurants in Italy, people started opening up their homes to like-minded strangers to come to eat. When we were banned from public transport people networked and started sharing lifts, and coming together. We are, so many of us, trauma-bonded to the system. We dream of a different way of living, but when we are thrown out of the system, we can have a tendency to stand at the doors, asking for our way back in. We aren’t used to this way of suddenly being set free, and doing it by ourselves.
I often think about when I was at school and was hanging around with some girls who weren’t really friends but who actually bullied me. One day one of those girls told me to go away and find my own friends. I had been scared, to go it alone, I was so used to being in their group. But as soon as I left, a nice girl asked me to join her group of friends.
Being an ‘outcast’ can feel lonely, it can be isolating. We may long for a new kind of community. That takes time on the physical level. But in our consciousness we can get their instantly. We can find our purpose. We can ask for guidance from god, or a higher power. We can ask what are our first steps, the steps we can take today.
What are your first steps towards the new earth?
If you are looking for some prompts to help you imagine a new earth and your place in it, then my Re-Imagining The World book is available now.
I wrote this book of 28 journal writing exercises so we can focus on imagining a better future for humanity, and this planet.
This book can help you and your loved ones think about our beautiful new earth, and how you'd like it to be. I hope that it offers you hope, and optimism, to keep going through the darkest months xxx