The Hidden Agenda
A few years ago I joined a fb group for Christian parents for film reviews and recommendations. I was surprised to find that while virtually all the parents were in agreement about not watching anything with trans characters in it, they were much more divided on watching films with witchcraft in. They would ask if the films had an ‘agenda’ in them, and avoid even the ones with the slightest hint of non-traditional family life, but were okay with magic or witches. I didn’t do a survey or anything, but it seemed like a 50/50 split.
If you read the Bible it’s clear God hates witchcraft, (Deuteronomy 18:10) so why were these Christians not bothered? I couldn’t really understand why. Some arguments given were that it was fictional, but what’s the difference between fictional magic, and fictional trans people?
Now I do believe that God cares deeply about gender, and this is an extremely important issue that parents need to address because the consequences of getting it wrong are dangerous and irreversible.
However, I think I understand now why for many Christians this is the main ‘agenda.’ Because it’s presented that way. In every newspaper, and TV channel you’ll find a huge number of articles addressing wokism almost every day. They’ll take a firm stance for or against, and feed their readers or viewers with material that suits their worldview. On social media algorithms are tightly manipulated to feed information that will rile us up, and get us focused on the ‘woke’ problem (either for or against). It has been happening for years. In Twitter in 2018 I actually had to remove the word ‘trans’ from my newsfeed because otherwise half the posts I were seeing were trying to draw me into the trans argument.
And you know why, because it divides the people. I think a big part of this is that the enemy is using it to hide the gospel. If the side that believe in Jesus are considered to be bigoted and hateful, then many people will run further away from Christ. In the wake of the US election I’ve heard so much negativity towards Christians (both online and in the real world).
The other aspect of it, is that when Christians are focused on slaying the woke beast, they aren’t aware of the invisible enemy in their midst.
Witchcraft, new age, false light.
It’s sneaking in the backdoor while we are distracted at the front.
New age sneaks into the church under the guise of ‘contemplative prayer’ or personality tests for discovering spiritual gifts. It sneaks in via false teachings like the prosperity gospel. It sneaks in via the secularisation of yoga and meditation so they look like practises Christians can do.
And it is sneaking in via the US government. While many Christians are celebrating the new US government there was something there in the small print that caught my attention. RFK wants to open up access to psychedelics like ayahuasca. While some of Trump’s policies are great news for Christians, and RFK has some amazing health policies there’s a hidden agenda coming through.
Increased use of ayahuasca, seems to be all part of what is occurring; more people getting involved in the occult and the opening up of the demonic realm, inside and outside of the church.
I don’t know whose behind it in the physical realm, and RFK’s intentions may be entirely good but in the spiritual realm I think I know what’s behind it.
Psychedelics are part of the agenda and a few years ago there were shamans at Davos for the WEF meeting.
So while most Christians celebrate a government that’s more in line with their beliefs, many are not aware of the false light agenda hidden in the small print.
I have not really focused on the false light within churches in my posts as my aim has always been to reach out to the new agers. However as this new chapter unfolds it is a time when we must all pray for discernment and educate ourselves in the ways that darkness appears as light.
The woke agenda may seem obviously dark to many. But it’s the dark that shines as light that could be even more dangerous.
For more information check out Spencer’s Smith’s Documentary Series, Third Adam, and Probably Alexandra’s Video - When Darkness Masquerades As Light