The Sword Of Truth
In the Bible Jesus talks about the ‘sword of truth’, that the ‘word of God is alive and active, sharper than any double-edge sword.’
The truth can hurt. We use the phrase ‘truth bomb’ to describe the power and impact that simply telling the truth can have.
Yesterday someone commented on my facebook post, who felt justified to say whatever they wanted, delivered in whatever manner they chose because, according to their point of view they were using the ‘sword of truth.’ It was okay they said, because Jesus got angry sometimes, because Jesus came to divide. It was all okay for him to say what he wanted, with whatever words he chose.
And is it any wonder that Christianity has been so twisted, has been used to gaslight and abuse in horrific ways throughout the ages?
A sword should be sharp, but his words were blunt. At least to my perception, they felt indiscriminate and cold.
To my mind a weapon is something we take care of when handling, we keep it locked in a safe. We bring it out when it is deemed absolutely necessary, and we use it with caution and care.
The truth is so necessary, but if you hurt and maim those you are trying to tell the truth to then they will be too busy tending their wounds to hear what you have to say.
Truths need to be scattered like seeds, wrapped within a tone of compassion and empathy.
That is the only way they can be heard.
Otherwise you are simply firing bullets off into the sky.
Over the past few months, I’ve been looking into new age deception, and the truth in the Bible, and this is my truth bomb about it all – that I have been quite shocked at some of the harsh ways the truth is to delivered by some Christians. Perhaps I’m just not used to it. Perhaps it’s because the truth isn’t all fluffy and love and light. And yet, I genuinely don’t believe truth can be heard by others, if it’s shared in a blunt way.
I have also been sent the kindest most loving heartfelt dm’s and had the most lovely comments and connections, so I do not mean to generalise about it all.
But whatever spiritual practises people are doing, or whatever the truth is, it seems to me more important that a person is able to respond from a place of having self-awareness of their own wounds, and triggers, from having healed and been able to afford a little space in the mind to open their heart to another.
It seems that there are many paths to this. And even though the road may be paved with deception, and false trails, somewhere along the line, spiritual seekers often pick up gold and become kinder, and more compassionate as a result.
And so, this is really a long way of saying, that these are my values, and that this page, is not a place for people who put the ‘sword of truth’ above gentle, heart-felt connection.