Twisted Kindness
Sometimes writers stick to the safe subjects. Sometimes they go off script, they start write about the things other writers deem unacceptable through their mainstream glasses, and online, I’ve seen the way writers will group together, like a pack of circling wolves, and attack a writer who is going off script.
I guess that’s one of the many ways, we have been subconsciously trained to keep each other in check in this world full of lies.
I remember witnessing this in an online writers group, it was before 2020 so maybe around 2019.
There was a writer whose son had experienced allergies after vaccinations. His doctor had confirmed that the allergies were due to a vaccine. This writer wanted to write about her fears for her son going off to college because of mandatory vaccinations in the US.
For suggesting this topic, she was criticised, told some stuff about how wrong it was for her to write the article. I can’t remember what the reasoning was, something to do with autism, and how she was being prejudiced against people with autism, even though her son didn’t have autism.
It shocked me that people thought that her story was somehow unacceptable to tell. After all it was the truth, it was her and her son’s story, what exactly is wrong with telling the truth?
I was reminded of this the other day when I saw another post from a writer, who was asking for pregnancy stories for an article for Focus On The Family. She was attacked and told she was writing for a ‘hate group’ because this organisation is against abortion.
I thought about responding, but then the post was deleted.
I thought about saying, that yes, I too, used to think that allowing abortions was a kind thing.
Until I began to understand the notion of twisted kindness.
Twisted kindness is when we are conditioned into thinking that something is kind when it actually isn’t. For example keeping quiet so as not to offend someone, shutting down open discussion like a witchhunt.
There are so many things that the world thinks are kind that are actually quite horrific and murderous.
As we march on towards the end times described in the Bible, kindness is becoming more and more twisted; late stage abortion, euthanasia. Things that the media are actually telling us are kind and compassionate options.
I heard the most horrific story of twisted kindness this week; of a baby who died in the womb awaiting a caesarean because the mother hadn’t received the result of her covid test yet.
Covid was perhaps, the greatest display of twisted kindness that I have ever witnessed. Humans were deceived and took part in an awful, barbaric collective abuse, thinking it was ‘kind.’
The truth is we humans can’t figure out what truth is alone. We are imperfect, and are always going to get confused, deceived, or led astray by our own shallow desire to fit in, to people please, to get ahead in life.
It’s only when we start to understand that there is a God, and start to answer to him instead of imperfect human mandates of what kindness, is that we can ever even begin to strive towards goodness.
This is why we need a saviour. There is a standard of kindness, and goodness, that goes way beyond what humans are capable of alone. We can’t find it with modern day notions of kindness which are, at times, literally murderous. We can only find them by calling on God.
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5:20