What's next?
If someone has a million followers on Youtube, and if their videos pop up as suggested views when you go onto Youtube, then can it be possible that they are really a threat to the establishment? If someone’s book reaches number 1 in the New York times, bestseller list, then are they really a threat to the establishment? Is a large movement, or a large media storm, entirely free of hijacking, or manipulation, or control?
When the plandemic first began, I thought that the absolute worst thing that could happen to the elites was for the truth to be revealed, and that’s what I hoped for each day, as I typed and posted like crazy, trying to ‘get the truth out.’ As time goes on, I’m thinking more and more, that not only do the elites not mind the eventual revealing of truth, that they might actually have planned it. Perhaps it’s just a necessary part of the process, that when you release a ‘vaccine’ into the world, that has more adverse reaction reports than any previous vaccine, you are going to be found out eventually, and will have to have something else in store. Perhaps being found out is all part of the game.
Something seems stage-managed about it all, slow, almost imperceptible shifts in the narrative, news trickling out here and there, about the things that the ‘conspiracy theorists’ knew from the start. That COVID deaths were exagerrated, due to the difference between ‘of’ and ‘with.’ That the tests picked up ‘positives’ who would never of really been infectious. That lockdowns weren’t effective (did we really need a study from John Hopkins University to tell us that?). If you have been informed from the beginning it seems very strange that the media is suddenly covering these facts now, when they have been obvious to anyone who really looked into it for two years. Is this a controlled demolition of the official narrative?
Whatever happens, and I really don’t have a clue what’s next. I think that moving forward, we need to beware of how those with big followings, and big movements, may be used as a psychological operation on our minds. No matter how pro-freedom, and love and light it looks like, if it comes from the top, if it’s a person with a big following, if it’s being promoted, even in a backhanded way with calls for ‘censorship,’ then we maybe need to ask if the drama we are living in is more complicated and layered than first appears.
In the bible it says that ‘the devil disguises itself as a demon of light,’ and when I first heard about the idea of a false awakening, I was extremely triggered. It took me over a year to begin to delve into the material. I was so desperate for hope that I couldn’t comprehend that some of the channelers, and spiritual teachers I was following might be being decieved.
I still do not know how deep the deception goes, but all I do know is discernment is key. Hope is a drug, and they know how the human mind works. They know that after our lockdown initiation into their ‘new normal’ agenda we are desperate to believe that it will all be okay.
And it will be. I do believe that, but I think it might take longer, and possibly be darker than we might hope.
As I’m sure many of the people reading this are truth-seekers, we must love truth more than we crave hope. We must look at our reality with a sense of non-attachment, and not let the sweet taste of hope cloud our quest for truth.
As the bible says about the end times, ‘For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; [4] And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
What can we trust? What can we hope for? Spiritual discernment is key. As time goes on I am turning more and more away from spiritual messages filtered by others, and turning instead to my own relationship with the divine.
One of the other things I know I can trust, is real people. Not the stars, and the celebrities of the alternative movement. But simply, friends. One of the things that I have loved about this time, is the way that I have seen the importance of everyone’s voice. You don’t need to have a million followers on Youtube, to have a brain, and a perspective, and some critical thinking about the situation. In a world of deception maybe we need to turn to our local to communities, to our friends, and the networks that we really do trust. As we do so we can let go of our saviour concept, and realise that nobody high profile is going to solve this for us, that all we can do is try to build good lives for ourselves, our families and the people around us.
I don’t know if I believe in the idea of the ‘great awakening’ anymore or not. But one thing I do know is that I want to live today, and not have to wait for ‘the truth to come out’ to be happy. The revelation of truth could well be falling into another psychological operation. As spring comes it feels like time to leave this news cycle (whether mainstream or alternative) behind, step outside, and learn to live again.
This post was partially inspired by this video from Alison McDowell about weaponised alternative narratives.