Wishing On A Fallen Star
When you wish upon a star…
Innocent innocuous words, right?
Beautiful twinkling stars at night
The fantasy of a child’s dreams coming true
Becomes the adult’s game of manifestation to visualise and actualise desires.
The song comes from the 1940 Disney film Pinocchio, and ever since then it’s been the theme song for Disney, appearing before every movie. This theme has been intertwined with Disney ever since with their most recent film Wish, about a girl who calls out to the stars at a time of desperate need, and gets to meet up with a fallen star, to join forces to face up an evil ruler.
Falling stars, where have I heard that before?
“How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations! - Isaiah 14.12. (new king James version), in other versions, such as the English standard version, the name Lucifer is translated as ‘day star.’
The shooting stars, the fallen stars, they are none other than Lucifer - Satan.
In the spiritual new world order teachings of the Lucis Trust, and other new age teachings, Lucifer is referred to as the ‘light-bringer’ one who brings enlightenment and liberation to humanity.
But the Bible warns us ‘Satan himself disguises himself as an angel of light.’ The Bible warns to ‘be careful that the light within you is not darkness.’
Satan was light, in all his former glory. But in rebellion against God, the light hides the dark. The twinkling star that falls from the sky as he got cast out of heaven,
‘And he said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.’
Falling stars are none other than teaching children to get their wishes granted from Satan, and to get them to grow into adults and think that the key to happiness is choosing what you desire and wishing for it, manifesting it.
But we know deep down what happens, when we warn, ‘be careful what you wish for.’
A wish granted by Satan is a rope tied around you and a heavy weight as you are cast into the sea.
The shiny packaging of Hollywood films like Wish, brainwash children into thinking that the ruler is evil. The Gnostic inversion that is constantly being pumped out teaches children and adults alike that the creator is a controller. But look at the world today, and you will see the freedom he gives everyone to choose to follow him, or turn away from him.
As so many turn towards Lucifer, falling for his light, there is a small remnant clinging on, and trying to sound this last alarm call, before our creator calls and end to the human suffering that is being caused by Luciferian lies.
I know most reading this blog will be well aware of this deception by now, but I share this info in case it can help sharing with others, the true nature of Disney, and of the false light.