It's occurred to me through my fellowship with Christ, that yes, it does matter. It matters because he has opened our spiritual eyes to see things from the perspective of the knowledge and wisdom of God, who created the universe and all of the laws therein. We don't view things blindly anymore, because the Light of the Lord has shone on us, and we are able to walk out of the darkness of lies and deceit. We're also able to walk away from the selfish existence we once held of our own importance and realize that it is by God working within us through his Spirit, that we become the creation that he intended instead of remaining as the corruptible man who came to be after the fall. It matters because God is light and love, and anything contrary to that truth can cloud our vision if we are unable to see him for who he truly is. The Apostle Paul said, let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. So, in that, we are able to know the mind of Christ by God's Spirit that is within us, which we once lacked before we knew him. Furthermore, lol, God is truth, and it is in discovering who he is by his Word, that we come to know who he is and his attributes, and he is more than willing to reveal himself to us if we are hearing and seeing what the Spirit is saying to us.
It's occurred to me through my fellowship with Christ, that yes, it does matter. It matters because he has opened our spiritual eyes to see things from the perspective of the knowledge and wisdom of God, who created the universe and all of the laws therein. We don't view things blindly anymore, because the Light of the Lord has shone on us, and we are able to walk out of the darkness of lies and deceit. We're also able to walk away from the selfish existence we once held of our own importance and realize that it is by God working within us through his Spirit, that we become the creation that he intended instead of remaining as the corruptible man who came to be after the fall. It matters because God is light and love, and anything contrary to that truth can cloud our vision if we are unable to see him for who he truly is. The Apostle Paul said, let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. So, in that, we are able to know the mind of Christ by God's Spirit that is within us, which we once lacked before we knew him. Furthermore, lol, God is truth, and it is in discovering who he is by his Word, that we come to know who he is and his attributes, and he is more than willing to reveal himself to us if we are hearing and seeing what the Spirit is saying to us.