Beautiful to read these roads flowing through you. Honest, heart-felt, truthful. No one can - or in my humble opinion, should - argue with that. We are all intended to our own views, in fact this should be encouraged! And I totally agree with you on the "awake" community... I see and feel many mechanisms representing themselves only in a new guise. The lessons we have to learn from awakening are not in the details of Covid, vax, Christianity or New Age, but in how we relate to one another, hold ourselves in this world and the work we do at the level of the heart to keep growing and become more loving and accepting beings. That is, of course, my view. Thank you again for sharing.

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I love this! And as a friend said to me, some are awake on the 'outside' to the world agendas, but not so awake to their own inner workings, and what's triggering them or making them respond in certain ways. I love what you say about growing into more accepting beings. This is so much more true, than just tiptoeing around being 'politically correct' and not saying what we really think.

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