You give me so much food for thought with your writing, I thank you for it. Never have I contemplated so much on the divine. It's certainly a maze and finding faith and holding it true to our hearts is a humbling and inspiring journey, I am finding. Just yesterday a good friend of mine shared this video. He's a Christian and someone who has been connected with Christianity all of his life. His faith is solid and his knowledge impressive and at times a little too much for little old me. I watched this video just after reading your article (no coincidence I think :) ) and it is exactly how I see it all, since my spiritual awakening I had which you know about of course. I have been writing a song about God, about the Lord, I mentioned this to you too and it's leading me to even more contemplation. It's probably my best solo work yet, though there's not much competition yet considering this solo path started in January of this year, along with playing the guitar.. haha. So, thank you because this latest song came from your sharing with me of a passage from the Bible. I write all of this because it really struck me what you wrote about the dullness felt in church. I grew up Catholic and went to church a lot and I cannot agree more. Still now, I struggle in churches. The energy is stifled, somehow dead and rings untrue to me, yet the buildings themselves are vibrant and you can feel the Divine all around. The part in this video which I feel might give even more food for thought to this matter of dullness and what churches have become is when Watts talks about what churches are meant to be about - being still and CONTEMPLATING... CON TEMPLUM.... A Temple, a Church, is a place for silence and contemplation and not lecturing. It has become an instrument of control by the fallen angels who govern the religious world of Christianity now, I feel. Perhaps if we can seek out the silence within these Temples we can find our connection with God once more?


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I'm so happy to hear that my writing is giving you food for thought! I've just watched the video, and it seems to be coming from a new age perspective, seeding doubt about the Bible and implying that Jesus was some kind of ascended master rather than the actual son of God. This sounds like the different Jesus that the United Nations talk about - 'The Christ' who in actual fact will be the anti-christ.

The modern hijacked Catholic church is quite diff to the original one. I don't agree with the argument that the Catholic church somehow edited the Bible, because Catholicism is in many way the opposite of the Bible. It was illegal to read the Bible in Italy until the 1960's. I think the Catholic church, wants to hide the teachings, by encouraging people to confess via a priest rather than having a genuine relationship with God an his word.

I totally agree that there is a more subtle Christianity, that isn't guilt-laden, but this is not it. The idea that we are all God's is Satan's lie - what the serpent told Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, that God was lying and that we can all be God. I would be careful if a friend like this was calling themselves a Christian, sorry to be blunt! But this sounds the new age Gnostic Christianity, which is a way of luring people into a blended 'oneness' that will become a one world religion. My view on it all is that we can trust the Bible. All the deceptive churches stray away from Bible teachings in some form or another, implying that it is actually the word of God and I certainly believe it is. The quote he uses to say we are all God's seems to be taken out of context. The bible is clear we are not, we are children of God.

There are an awful lot of people out there cherry picking bible quotes to spread deception.

Here's a little more info on what the Bible means about 'you are Gods' - https://www.gotquestions.org/you-are-gods.html?fbclid=IwAR1XhG32fuBtrIV1r83_kdOeJJm2492ID6C_fNNYc4uuv3U0B8-13F0Cghk

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