Soldier - the word we use for someone who risks their life as part of their job.
Conscription - those who have no choice but to join the war.
When I got married I never thought for a second that I’d become a wife in wartime.
My husband is not a conscientious objector, although he doesn’t want to fight.
War - Our time
What other word do we have for it?
But it’s a strange time most of the soldiers have no idea of the real job description, have no idea of the real threat that faces them on the battlefield, and don’t even understand the terrain, or who’s on which side.
Because this is a war like none we’ve ever seen before, a psychological war, a spiritual war, a war on the mind, and yet the body is still a potential casualty.
Like any wartime wife I wait for my husband to come home, while strengthening my inner resources in case he doesn’t. Like many wartime wives I’m proud of my husband’s courage, but wholeheartedly wish that he hadn’t fallen into this line of work.
At this point there is nothing I can do, but put my fate into the hands of God and pray, for protection, for mercy, for the strength to get through. I thank God for bringing me this man, one cold, dark January evening, 17 years ago, just as I had asked him to. When I got married I never could have imagined that we would come to a time in human history when people could again, non-consensually be enlisted for war, when we would scrap the code used to prevent wartime atrocities. And I never for a second thought I’d marry a soldier.
My heart goes out to all those whose loved ones are soldiers, were soldiers, and I pray that each person in our world is provided with enough mental clarity to become aware of the psychological attacks on their own minds, that prevent them from seeing that this is a war.
If you have read this far, then please consider reading the reports and stories of the casualties, and educating yourself on the nature of the weapons being used against humanity. It is only the not knowing that allows this war to continue. Each time someone knows and sees, and recovers their mind, a little fragment of the warzone disappears. One day we will find ourselves in a field of poppies, free, at last for the first time ever, to begin to learn, what real peace is.
I completely agree. Vaccine misinformation and scientific illiteracy is one of the biggest challenges to humanity at the moment. Taking the time to read the suppressed testimonies of long covid sufferers and those who have died unnecessarily in this 'war' of unscrupulous misinformation sharers who want your money and crave your attention to stoke their sad little egos.
I pray that you wake up to the cheap tricks and charismatic bullshit that has been used to pull the wool over your eyes and make you believe you are doing good.
I’m just a little concerned. You are a great writer and express truth with passion and integrity. I hope you can find positivity in this war zone. I don’t mean a spiritual bypass but something like Louise Hays daily positive affirmations to nourish your soul 🙏