I completely agree. Vaccine misinformation and scientific illiteracy is one of the biggest challenges to humanity at the moment. Taking the time to read the suppressed testimonies of long covid sufferers and those who have died unnecessarily in this 'war' of unscrupulous misinformation sharers who want your money and crave your attention to stoke their sad little egos.

I pray that you wake up to the cheap tricks and charismatic bullshit that has been used to pull the wool over your eyes and make you believe you are doing good.

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What a bizarre statement. Long Covid testimonies are not suppressed. I've seen many in the mainstream media. Long covid gets a lot of attention with special centres being built for treatment. Meanwhile cancer patients struggle to get a diagnosis and the vaccine injured are misnamed as 'anti-vaxxers.' It's clear from your message that you have never taken the time to look at vaccine injury in a sincere and honest way. I personally have looked at both sides, and as a long time sufferer of chronic fatigue and medical injury the risk of long COVID concerns me. The only difference is that I am concerned about all the risks facing humanity right now, not just COVID.

It confuses me that people who share alternative information are seen as doing it for the money. Many do so at great risk to their career and livelihood, and personally I'm much more likely to give my time and attention to a whistleblower who puts everything at stake to the truth, than those who make billions from creating a false mainstream narrative. Your message seems to suggest that you have many false assumptions about why people tell the truth, and I would urge you to please do some research rather than picking up assumptions from the media about people's motivations.

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What a terrible comment to a beautiful piece of writing. Misinformation equalsntruth in these times of big brother.

Kate hasnt had the wool pulled over her eyes.....she is truly inspirational, stoic in times ofngreat tyranny. You would have made a great Nazi citizen.

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I’m just a little concerned. You are a great writer and express truth with passion and integrity. I hope you can find positivity in this war zone. I don’t mean a spiritual bypass but something like Louise Hays daily positive affirmations to nourish your soul 🙏

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thanks Alan, I'm doing fine. I write about the hard times, and hard feelings, but I work through my feelings and come out the other side. I am not looking for advice. My purpose for writing this is in the last paragraph. I want to draw attention to vaccine injury in the hope that others can be aware of it, and we can put a stop to this ASAP.

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