I don’t think the ‘divisiveness’ is that we air our opinions but what our opinion is. Ie that only Christ is the way and that all other spiritual beliefs are therefore, in effect, wrong.

NA beliefs on the other hand allow anything. Anything goes. The Wild West of spirituality. Apart from our faith as we are saying theirs is wrong and they are saying ours is wrong because we are saying theirs is wrong. If that makes sense.

My friend who is coming to Christ is struggling with this ‘spiritual elitism’, as he called it, as he knows many good people in the NA, and in general, who also do good works, as do I. He struggles, and I fully understand this, that a Christian will have eternal life whereas these good people won’t.

I don’t have any good answer to tell him on this as to why this is fair. I’m not sure there is one?

If I’m honest, I probably struggle with this too, but I tend to bypass it as I am stronger in my faith. But I really shouldn’t and would love to know good answers on this. When speaking to my pastor on this subject he didn’t have one apart from, that’s the way it is, that’s the truth. And I do believe that truth is binary - by definition there can only be one. But that is clearly a bitter pill for those on the other side to swallow.

I haven’t watched the debate you linked to, just a few minutes, but isn’t that a debate between Christian’s who already have the same faith? If so, that’s not a reflection of a debate with a new ager for the reason given above. It’s relatively easy to speak to fellow Christian’s about doctrine differences because all Christian’s would agree on the fundamental of the single line - I am the way the truth and the life.

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If there is someone that does “good” things in the world, I am not obligated to let them stay at my house just because they are a good person. I let people that I have a relationship with stay at my house. It’s the same with heaven. Also, if God/ Jesus is not the motivation behind what we do, there is no such thing as “good” without them. All people have selfish motives in their works (even if those works stem from wanting to do the ‘right’ thing that feels good). Only God is good. The word says that our righteousness is as filthy rags, only His righteousness can be counted on, which we have when we accept who Jesus is and what He did when he died on the cross.

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