Kate, your newsletter today reminded me of am audio book by Brian Tracy that I listened to on old cassette tapes in my car (yes, I am that old!). He said "cut down the negative emotion tree at the trunk". I now remember that I am responsible for how I respond to the situations I face, and blaming the government or anyone else is not going to make me feel any better. I do think there is hope for the future beyond the current lunacy. Thank you.
Kate, your newsletter today reminded me of am audio book by Brian Tracy that I listened to on old cassette tapes in my car (yes, I am that old!). He said "cut down the negative emotion tree at the trunk". I now remember that I am responsible for how I respond to the situations I face, and blaming the government or anyone else is not going to make me feel any better. I do think there is hope for the future beyond the current lunacy. Thank you.
that's a great analogy, thanks for sharing. x